Friday, June 21, 2019

UPDATE!  Important Legal VICTORIES have been achieved!
With valuable public support, after 14 years of determined opposition, Keep the Code has won BOTH the CEQA* and the Vested Rights** legal challenges in both the Superior Court and in the Court of Appeals

*CEQA – California Environmental Quality Act – Lawsuit
 Through the legal system, Keep the Code requested that the county rescind its decisions to approve the Harris Quarry Expansion Project Environmental Impact Report.  The court granted the petition and directed the county to set aside its decisions and the related use permit approvals and the reclamation plan, and to undertake further review and reconsider its decisions on several of the project alternatives. 
         In 2018, The Court of Appeals upheld this decision.

**Harris Quarry Vested Rights Claim Overturned
Mendocino County Superior Court Judge Richard Henderson has issued a ruling to set aside the Countys approval of a vested right to mine Harris Quarry. The court found that the County did not have enough evidence before it to approve a vested right to operate the Harris Quarry, and that there was no evidence that the Church of the Golden Rule incurred substantial liabilities, like purchasing mining equipment, which is necessary for establishing a vested right. The court also observed that “the historical pattern does not indicate the existence of any commercial quarrying and aggregate activities occurring at the Harris Quarry from 1936 to 1976” and “the record is absolutely devoid of any evidence that the Church operated the quarry as a commercial venture or expended any money in connection with quarrying activities and/or rock crushing and screening.”  In particular, the court focused on the fact that the aerial photos presented to the court simply did not show an expansion of the quarrys footprint for decades.   

The Court of Appeals upheld this decision in the fall of 2018.